National Homebirth Day

HOMEBIRTH SAFETY The biggest question for most people when thinking about home birth is ‘is it safe’? Generally birth is safe in this country, especially if you’re low-risk in pregnancy. For a first-time mother the chances of an adverse outcome (stillbirth, neonatal death and some severe conditions) is 9.3 in every 1000 when birthing at… Continue reading National Homebirth Day

Birth Plans (and Flow Charts)

Crack open your coloured pens, your pretty notebook and your laptop and make a start on your birth plan! Laminating is entirely optional 😉 I’m still pretty furious that one of my clients this week was told she wasn’t allowed to write her birth plan yet. Errrr 🤨 <— my actual face. Birth plans aren’t something that you… Continue reading Birth Plans (and Flow Charts)

Due Dates in Pregnancy

Here I am, talking about dates again. This time not of the eating variety though 💁‍♀️ Pretty much as soon as you find out you're pregnant you're on google trying to work out when your baby will arrive (no judgement, been there 😉 ), this will be confirmed at your booking in appointment based on your last menstrual… Continue reading Due Dates in Pregnancy