Advanced Maternal Age and Stillbirth

This is an interesting subject to write about because nobody likes to think that they’ve crossed over into the advancing age category. Remember before we start you’re only as old as you feel (which in my case sees me hitting oldest ever living person age, especially as we’re halfway through a rainy half term :/… Continue reading Advanced Maternal Age and Stillbirth

Birth Plans (and Flow Charts)

Crack open your coloured pens, your pretty notebook and your laptop and make a start on your birth plan! Laminating is entirely optional 😉 I’m still pretty furious that one of my clients this week was told she wasn’t allowed to write her birth plan yet. Errrr 🤨 <— my actual face. Birth plans aren’t something that you… Continue reading Birth Plans (and Flow Charts)

The system is broken…and it’s breaking women

Now, I preface this with the fact I love the NHS. I really, really do. It’s a hundred times better than any privatised, corporate system could ever be and it has some of the most dedicated people working for it I’ve ever come across. So why am I so angry with it? Because it’s failing… Continue reading The system is broken…and it’s breaking women

Ten years ago I became a mother. And I became friendless.

Becoming a mother was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Not just birth, although that left me wishing the baby would disappear halfway through the experience and I could go back to not having a baby at all thank you very much. But the act of becoming a mother, that transition time between… Continue reading Ten years ago I became a mother. And I became friendless.